Thursday, August 30, 2018



Our computer resources have now been restored - so it is now easier to get more content on-line here. It has been several years of fairly difficult times, which are not over yet - but things are starting to clear for our organisation. Several community initiatives have been developed over the last few years that we will be talking about.

The situation for the jobless (and disabled partners and collaborators) in Australia continues to change as Govt policies makes the dole less and less a "newstart" proposition (ie unliveably low an amount). The Age Pension is already going up to 67 for eligibility - with a 70 age increase previously threatened by the conservation Coalition federal Govt - (until the new "PM" Scotty decided he'd like to try and win the next Federal election in 2019). For the disabled, the NDIS has become, predictably very bureaucratic and counter to "choice" for disability aid plans.

So we have plenty to talk about - including the diabolical urban environment vandalism by the NSW Gladdy BAAAD Govt, such as turning Alfred Park into a playground for a 14 storey high-rise school. Then there's Sydney City Council "Mono Itch" sculpture $11m fantasy gateway to the George St tram debacle - defacing the heritage QVB, located right next to Sydney Town Hall.. Our website has a Save Our Sydney (SOS) section - but it is still only the paltry old one we now can't update, it seems, at - with Flash needed to read it properly.

Also the Email address given on that website is not accessible to us - so we will have to work on the feedback mode to use. Our postal address is in the Sydney YELLOW Directory - whose "website" for the Embassy we hope to figure out soon (ie this year). Meanwhile we are very busy with diabolical problems related to the Police State sort of "nation" we live in - as used against social activists.

Our content has always been like our Embassy projects - designed to keep the jobless and disabled engaged with the "society" (ie The Economy) which is marginalising us from not only enough income to live on - but also full humanity, such as casualised relationships. Coming articles here will look at the Ecology of Charities we have to interact with - for their traditional role of food access. plus also their newer wider "services " that are being Govt funded to do things TO us (not with us) This includes the new National Disability Insurance Scheme.

An interesting comment about the recent supposed cancelling of the increase of Age Pension
(AP) to 70, was supposedly because access of the Mature Aged to employment needed to be fixed before the AP could be raised beyond 67. This is something we've raised in relation to savage anti-mature aged male discrimination by educational institutions like TAFE, preventing Baby Boomers from updating their work skills.

Now there is the growing Revenge Feminist crusade against Middle Age White Males - recently called out by anti YouToo French Women on ABC TV's Foreign Correspondents program , as being a new reverse INQUISITION. Then there's the ABC itself needing serious reform - before its totally replaced by the SBS adverts- funding model (the ALDI of broadcasting). Lots to talk about indeed. Then there are EBooks and Podcasts too - once we can figure out how to make and market/launch them