With loose sabre-rattling talk in the "Mother's Day weekend" issue of the Australian about China considering "weaponising" SARS back in 2014 - perhaps some sort of Reality Check is needed. Its now taken about a year for the bureaucratic glacia of the World Health Organisatin to finally admit about the long known airbourne ("aerosol") transmission of Covid 19 - from breathing it out, not just by sneezing droplets. Professor Raina Macintyre of UNSW Kirby Institute - now suggests in the SMH of 7 May, '21 - that Australia now needs to revise its own long outdated medical guidlines on this front.
Hundreds of scientists worldwide have been pleading by Petitions for about a year now - to the soft soaping WHO to recognise "aerosol" transmission by Covid 19- but its taken millions of deaths from it around the world, for them to take a virus view of Covid (rather to keep parroting old Hospital flu hygene protocols - as ABC's Norman Swann has long pointed out). In this article we now want to quote from a Scientific American (SA) magazine from TEN YEARS AGO - which precisely predicted that the SARS 1 epidemic occurring in 2002 (?) - though defeated back then, may reoccur as a pandemic and "we may not be so lucky next time".
The main point of this old SA article, seems to be that SARS is transmitted from human's domesticated food aminals - namely pigs and chickens, as swine and avarian "flu" ?) after they have picked up the SARS viruses from "exotic" wild animals. According to a video interview with gorilla-whisperer famed environmentalist JANE GOODALL - the razing of jungles to grow food crops and also for our food animals, cheaply FOR YOU AND ME , thus putting jungle animals (like bats) in contact with pigs etc, is what caused SARS 1 to escape into the human population. The Wet Markets bat-burger idea certainly isn't seen as how SARS 1 started - or as JANE GOODALL said about SARS 2 (Covid 19) "we did it to ourselves". Another article in the same weekend Australian also questions exotic anumal virus transfer to humans - given that people have eaten them from Wet Markets etc for some time now.
There is more to say from the SA magazine article - but we are concious that we only recently became aware that our most recent main WEBSITES have been completely razzed, though we PAID for them (ie unemployedembassy.magix.net etc). We are trying to contact German MAGIX company about it - but can anyone else help us ? Also our Founder has just gone though a fabricated "sentence" of two years for something that didn't happen, supposedly ON THIS PRESENT WEEKEND dedicated to women - though evidence shows he clearly WASN'T THERE. This was the third go by Australian govt agents had to frame him for his social justice capaigning through this organisation. We now plead for access/funding of STORAGE SPACE for our audio visual and other ARCHIVES - in case he is finally falsely JAILED in the next trumped up prosecution.
We are prepared to write a LONGER more detailed article on the SARS 1 & 2 possible pork transmission - for a Media organisation, provided they PAY the Unemployed Peoples Embassy for it. Briefly, the SA article from 2011 says that scientists were PLEADING for pork farmers to let them test the blood of their pigs (for viruses) that they were slaughtering for meat. Shockingly it was many AMERICAN farmers who were resisting giving access to blood tests of pigs - for reasons we can outline in our exanded article (which are hinted at in the SA article). Interestingly it was the CHINESE farmers who were MORE co-operative in allowing swine bllod testing - but not enough tests were done. On this basis scientists in the SA article in 2011 warned that a new SARS may not be detected in time.
STOP PRESS: ABCTV News 8 May - Australian buiding standards authorities are REFUSING to change airflow design in new buildings. We made video of this mainstrean News item - plus copied an article off the MSN feed (9 May) about the WHO failure to heed warnings by many scientists for a year that AIRFLOW was a bigger risk than only Hand Hygene. We said it first though. EXPECT A LONGER REIGN OF COVID 19